- parasitology
- 'pærəsaɪ'tɑlədʒɪ /-'tɒl- n. study of parasites
English contemporary dictionary. 2014.
English contemporary dictionary. 2014.
parasitology — [par΄ə sī täl′ə jē, par΄əsitäl′ə jē] n. the science dealing with parasites and parasitism parasitological [par΄əsīt΄ə läj′i kəl] adj. parasitologist n … English World dictionary
Parasitology — Adult black fly (Simulium yahense) with (Onchocerca volvulus) emerging from the insect s antenna. The parasite is responsible for the disease known as river blindness in Africa. Sample was chemically fixed and critical point dried, then observed… … Wikipedia
parasitology — parasitological /par euh suyt l oj i keuhl/, adj. parasitologist, n. /par euh suy tol euh jee, si /, n. the branch of biology dealing with parasites and the effects of parasitism. [1880 85; PARASITE + O + LOGY] * * * ▪ biology the study of… … Universalium
parasitology — parazitologija statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Mokslas, tiriantis parazitus, jų sukeliamas žmonių, gyvūnų ir augalų ligas ir jų gydymo būdus. atitikmenys: angl. parasitology vok. Parasitologie, f rus. паразитология, f … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
parasitology — parasite ► NOUN 1) an organism which lives in or on another organism and benefits at the other s expense. 2) derogatory a person who lives off or exploits others. DERIVATIVES parasitism noun parasitology noun. ORIGIN Greek parasitos person eating … English terms dictionary
parasitology — noun Etymology: Latin parasitus + International Scientific Vocabulary logy Date: 1882 a branch of biology dealing with parasites and parasitism especially among animals • parasitological also parasitologic adjective • parasitologically adverb •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
parasitology — n. [Gr. para, beside; sitos, food; logos, discourse] The study of parasites … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
parasitology — noun A study of parasites … Wiktionary
parasitology — The branch of biology and of medicine concerned with all aspects of parasitism. [parasite + G. logos, study] * * * par·a·si·tol·o·gy .par ə sə täl ə jē, .sīt äl n, pl gies a branch of biology dealing with parasites and parasitism esp. among… … Medical dictionary
parasitology — study of parasites Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary